Everest Academy


Everest Academy
 New Enrollment is not open at this time.
If you are already enrolled and wanting to add a student to your family enrollment, please contact us directly at everestacademy1@gmail.com.  If you are looking for re-enrollment info, you can find that here.

Please read through the following info and then email Everest Academy
 with the required info listed below.

New Enrollment Information
Things to Know Before Enrolling:
  • Enrollment fee is $200 per family.  
  • We have year-round enrollment.  If you are enrolling over the summer, you need to be enrolled by the time your local public school restarts for the year (generally the first or second week of August).  
  • The Everest Academy school year runs from June 1 - May 31 of each year giving you 365 days to complete your required 160 days of schooling. Enrollment ends on May 31 of each year regardless to when you enroll. 
  • Eligibility: You must have legal guardianship of a child to enroll them. You can not add children to your enrollment for whom you do not have guardianship. 
  • You must live within the state of Alabama to enroll with Everest Academy.
  • When should I withdraw my child from his/her current school? You should enroll with Everest and withdraw from your current school at the same time.  In other words, you don't want to withdraw from your current school and wait weeks or months to enroll with Everest.
  • Please send in the required info (below) when you are ready to enroll.  Please DO NOT send in the required info months before you plan to actually enroll.  

 Coming from another church school?
  • You will fill out the same packet as anyone else enrolling and follow the same procedure.  You do not have to secure records from your last church school unless your child is 9th grade or up.  If your child is 9th grade or up, you will want a transcript for YOUR records for future college/scholarship application.  

Notifying the Board of Education
  • How do I notify the school/Board of Education that I am homeschooling? Part of the Enrollment Packet is a Church School Enrollment Form. Once you complete and submit your Enrollment Packet to Everest Academy, we will sign off on it and return it to you. Once the signed packet is returned to you, you will turn in the Church School Enrollment Form to your local Board of Education Superintendent
  • Why do I have to turn in this form to the BOE? Many church school coverings will take care of this requirement for you; however, Alabama State Law specifically states that the parent is supposed to handle this procedure. Turning in the Church School Enrollment Form to your local Board of Education Superintendent satisfies the requirement of reporting your enrollment in a church school.
  • What do I give the school? We suggest that you submit the Request for School Records form (also included in the enrollment packet) to your child's last school of attendance if you would like to have those school records. This is an optional form and not a requirement by law but certainly can smooth the transition.
Ready to enroll?
Before doing anything, please be sure to read the following: 
If you have a high school student, please also read the 

You will get detailed instructions every step of the way through the enrollment process.
1.  Submit required Information (found below)
2.  Payment - Once we receive the required info above, we will send you a link to make payment.
3.  Paperwork - Once we receive payment, we will send you the paperwork to fill out.
4.  After you fill out your paperwork, we will sign off on it and return it to you via email. 
5.  School/Board of Education Notification - The last step is for the parent/guardian to either personally deliver, mail, email, or fax the Church School Enrollment Form (provided in the enrollment packet) to their local Board of Education Superintendent and the Request for School Records Form to the last school your child(ren) attended (if applicable).  
6.  Get started homeschool!  Now the fun begins!

New Enrollment Required First Step
Please email the required info below to us at

Please copy and paste the questions along with the answers into the email. 
Please note we are not currently accepting families who are having issues with numbers 3, 4, or 5.
  1. Please note that only a  legal guardian can enroll children in Everest Academy.  Are you the legal guardian of the child(ren) you are trying to enroll? 
  2. Have you read and understood the Everest Academy Handbook and Everest Academy High School Handbook (if applicable)? 
  3. Are there ANY custody issues within your family? 
  4. Is there ANY DHR involvement within your family? 
  5. Are there ANY other legal issues regarding the student/family? 
  6. Do you understand that if you misrepresent the truth about #3, 4 and 5, you will be dismissed immediately? Do you also understand that should any of these issues begin after enrolling with Everest, you will contact Everest Academy immediately? 
  7. Have you already withdrawn your children from their school? If so, what was the date of withdrawal? 
  8. Do you understand that you are the educator and responsible for supplying all educational resources and learning opportunities? 
  9. Do you understand that there are no refunds once you submit the paperwork? 
  10. Do you understand that enrollment ends every year on May 31 regardless to when you enroll and that to remain enrolled, you must complete the re-enrollment process? 
  11. Have you previously enrolled children in Everest?
  12. Guardian names:
  13. Children you are enrolling:
  14. Phone number/contact information:
  15. Brief summary of your situation:  
  16. Please attach a copy of proof of I.D. for the parent/guardian and a copy of a birth certificate for each student to be enrolled.