Elizabeth Fuller graduated from Everest Academy on May 27, 2011 as the 2011 Everest Academy Salutatorian.
May 21, 2015 - UPDATE!!!
May 21, 2015 - UPDATE!!!
Four years ago, we moved our eldest child, Elizabeth into her first college dorm room at Stetson University. While it was incredibly hard to leave her there, where she knew no one and was in another state, we knew she would do great. Elizabeth was on the Dean’s list every semester of her college career. She was an active member of the Baptist Collegiate Fellowship, as well as serving on the board for three years. Every year for Spring Break, Elizabeth went of a mission’s trip with her BCF group. She is a part of several Honor Societies. She told me in her freshman year that she had an advantage when it came to writing papers, because most of the students who had attended public schools were taught to write papers in a certain way, though it was completely different how her school wanted them to write papers. Since I never locked her into only one format during high school, she was easily able to adapt to how her college professors wanted their papers written. Elizabeth made many new friends in college, and never had any problems adjusting to college life. She got along with fellow students, dorm hall friends, and professors. She was also asked to be a TA (Teacher Assistant) 3 times, starting in her sophomore year, which is typically not done. They rarely have anyone younger than a junior be a TA. She started out as an English major, though by the end of her first semester she decided to double major and add Religious Studies. The summer after her sophomore year, her school paid for her to go to Lisbon, Portugal for a poetry & writing workshop. She did two internships between her junior and senior year, and is doing another one this summer. She ended up graduating with high honors, Magna Cum Laude. We could not be more proud of our daughter!
~2011 A note about Elizabeth from her mom, Jennifer Fuller.
Elizabeth applied to 3 schools. She was looking for a smaller private school. All three schools she applied to she was accepted at.
She applied to Colorado Christian University, and was rewarded a scholarship. She also applied to Bethel University in TN. Bethel invited her to compete for a scholarship, as they don’t just hand them out, but invite qualified applicants to compete for them.
She has chosen to go to Stetson University, in Deland, Florida, where she also received a Faculty scholarship, which will cover a little over half of her cost of attendance.
None of these schools ever questioned anything we submitted as homeschoolers. I included a short letter with her transcripts stating that we are homeschoolers. For CCU, they required a letter about her spiritual life from a minister. For Stetson she also submitted an essay, though it was not required. She did take both the ACT & SAT, though all three schools only required one or the other.
We have been homeschooling since Elizabeth started 2nd grade. We are much more on the unschooling side. I really believe they learn better from living life and having experiences more than reading text books and memorizing dates and facts. It is more important that they know how to find the answers. We have tried to allow our children to be exposed to as many opportunities as we could. We have always been big on volunteering and helping others. Elizabeth has been a part of theater communities both in our church as well as in the Birmingham community. She has had regular conversations with all sorts of people, from all over the world. She has worked with both young children as well as senior citizens. She has volunteered in organizations both within a Christian environment as well in the secular community.