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All rights reserved by Everest Academy
Everest Academy is a ministry of Everest Family Church in Hayden. We offer freedom along with quality resources, information, activities and support to those homeschooling in Alabama. We believe that the parent has the best interests of their children at heart. We believe that the parent is the first and only teacher that a child needs. In keeping with this philosophy, we wish to be a very hands-off church "cover" school and allow the parent to lead and guide their children in the direction and at the pace they feel is best suited to their children. We ask only for what the law requires while offering support along with quality resources to aid families in their efforts.

Life After Homeschooling

Hey Veteran Homeschoolers!  I am working on making a resource for new homeschoolers where they ask the questions and you give the answers.  My goal is to provide advice, resources, and most of all to show that there is more than one way of doing things.  

Please contact me with your answer to the following question.  I have already included answers that folks sent me on Facebook.  I will not add your name, so feel comfortable in speaking freely.  Please give as much info as possible including links, details, explanations, etc...  I will add your answers to this page so that new homeschoolers will have a resource to refer back to again and again.

You can contact me at everestacademy1@gmail.com with your answer.

Deb Spradlin
Everest Academy Administrator

Today has been bittersweet. My oldest moved into his college dorm today. He is only 20 minutes from home at UAB, but was required to live in a dorm for his first year because he was awarded a scholarship. He is also in the Honors Program at UAB. We had no issues with entering UAB, receiving the scholarship, or the Honors Program. I would love to hear from other homeschoolers who have graduated one of their children. What was life like after graduation for your child? College? Scholarships? Job? Military? Please tell us about your experience as a homeschooler entering into one of these arenas, the application process, etc. Any issues? 


It is bitter sweet. I am happy to see her flying on her own, but still a shift in family life. We have not had problems with the application process and since she dual enrolled last year at the local Community College its not all that big of a change for her. She is attending Madison School of Massage. She was also accepted at Calhoun Community College. We had all along decided to go the Community College route first, but they did not have a Massage curriculum, so we took another avenue.

I know Sonya's two oldest daughters graduated through Everest in the past couple of years and went on to make the Dean's List at college.

I have 3 who have graduated from homeschool. One went to Jeff State with a full scholarship, my son went into the Army, and killed his ASFAB, the other just graduated this year... It is great to see them move onto the things in life they feel called to do, and mature into such amazing adults, but, with each graduate, my home is a little more quiet, and a little more empty... which is as you said.. bittersweet.

I was homeschooled, went to college, joined the Army, and am now out and homeschooling my two kids. I never had any issues with applications - in fact, the university I ended up attending looked very favorably upon my "life experience" when I applied (granted, this was 12 years ago, but I'm hoping it still holds true.) I got the impression that, had I not attended college first, the Army might have had an issue with the homeschooling, but my college transcripts covered that. And, if I remember correctly, the DoD recently moved homeschoolers from one tier to another in terms of recruiting preference (traditionally schooled recruits used to be favored over homeschoolers, but *believe* they've changed that.) 
~Deb's response to this: Thanks for your response. You are correct. Homeschoolers are now viewed as a Tier 1 when entering the military. We have had several Everest students enter the military; HOWEVER, I have found the ease of the acceptance depends on the recruiter. I would suggest if you have issues with one recruiter, find another one.

UNA in Florence was very happy to accept Evan, as was NWSCC when he decided that a community college closer to home (literally just a few blocks) worked better for a couple of semesters. He took the ACT and blew it out of the water. I made a very honest transcript (our covering did not offer one, but I had no questions about the one I used.) They were very impressed when talking with him and commented several times on his maturity and good manners. Absolutely no problems whatsoever at admission, and the admissions officers at both institutions commented very favorably on homeschoolers in general.

Having been a homeschooled teenager, I *highly* recommend the community college route. I graduated high school at 16 and I knew I wasn't (socially) ready to go off to a 4-year school, so I did two years at our local community college before I transferred to a university and am *so* glad I did. I never took the ACT/SAT, since I could take a placement test to get into the CC and my 4-year school didn't require it since I graduated with my AA.

My daughter graduated last year and is about to move back to school next weekend for her sophomore year. She had applied to 3 colleges and was accepted with no problem to all three and offered scholarships at all 3. I homeschooled her since she entered 2nd grade all through high school. She did very well her first year.She goes to Stetson University, which is in FL. She also was on the Dean's list both semesters.She has also decided to double major. This is my last year to homeschool, my son is a senior this year, and then I will retire ;-)