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Everest Academy is a ministry of Everest Family Church in Hayden. We offer freedom along with quality resources, information, activities and support to those homeschooling in Alabama. We believe that the parent has the best interests of their children at heart. We believe that the parent is the first and only teacher that a child needs. In keeping with this philosophy, we wish to be a very hands-off church "cover" school and allow the parent to lead and guide their children in the direction and at the pace they feel is best suited to their children. We ask only for what the law requires while offering support along with quality resources to aid families in their efforts.

Military Bound

Good News in the Military:

Homeschool Graduates Accepted on an Equal Level as Public School Graduates
Information from HSLDA

Homeschoolers Returned to Tier 1*
Information from HSLDA

More Information

For more information on homeschoolers entering the military, please go here.

ASVAB Test Information
Study Guide Zone

If you're considering joining the military, you'll need to know about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB. It's often given to 11th graders, but anyone joining the military must pass it. It's used to determine a person's skills and aptitudes in a variety of subjects, and the results enable the military to place the person in the best possible slot for a person with that particular skill set.

The ASVAB is a multiple choice test and is broken down into eight areas. Each section has its own score, and are combined to come up with your composite score. It's scored on a percentile basis, so 99 is the highest possible score. Different branches of the military will have different minimum composite scores, and those will vary within each branch by different job. The higher you score, the more jobs and options you'll qualify for. If you don't take it in high school, you'll take the test at your nearest Military Entrance Processing Station, or at an armory or recruiting station. It's timed, and it takes about three and a half hours to complete.

The sections are as follows: General Science-25 questions of life, earth, and physical sciences. Arithmetic Reasoning-30 questions involving basic math. Word Knowledge-35 questions on vocabulary and synonyms. Paragraph Comprehension-15 questions testing your reading and comprehension skills. Mathematics Knowledge-25 questions on math concepts and how to use them. Electronics Information-20 questions on basic electronic principles. Auto and Shop Information-25 questions about cars, both maintaining and repairing them, and working with wood and metal. Mechanical Comprehension-25 questions on the properties of different materials, and mechanical principles.

Your score on the ASVAB will be a huge determining factor in what position you wind up taking in the military, and so its effects will be felt for your entire military career. You should attempt to do your very best on the test because a lot is riding on it.

Military information websites:

 Armed forces careers