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All rights reserved by Everest Academy
Everest Academy is a ministry of Everest Family Church in Hayden. We offer freedom along with quality resources, information, activities and support to those homeschooling in Alabama. We believe that the parent has the best interests of their children at heart. We believe that the parent is the first and only teacher that a child needs. In keeping with this philosophy, we wish to be a very hands-off church "cover" school and allow the parent to lead and guide their children in the direction and at the pace they feel is best suited to their children. We ask only for what the law requires while offering support along with quality resources to aid families in their efforts.

Homeschool Dyslexia Help

After I graduated from my college program, I quickly realized that I had a calling to homeschool. I quickly transitioned my life to adapt to this calling, and after fifteen years, I am transitioning into a new calling-to help you! Homeschooling isn't easy and sometimes we need a helping hand. I know I did when my son was diagnosed with dyslexia many years ago. The tools and techniques that I have learned can now bless other families. My son is now in high school, thriving and reading books every day. This would not have been possible if I didn't seek help to learn how to teach him properly. If you need help teaching your child to read, if you suspect your child has dyslexia, or if your child has been diagnosed with dyslexia, I can help you. It is not a hopeless situation. This journey can be a gift that you are about to open. I know that it has been to our family. Feel free to call me at 3343995132 or email homeschoolingisagift@gmail.com to discuss your options.