- Homeschool Freebie of the Day This site gives away a new curriculum resource every day. I have found some great items here.
- Ambleside Online - Welcome to Ambleside Online, a free curriculum designed to be as close as possible to the curriculum that Charlotte Mason used in her own PNEU schools. Our goal is to be true to Charlotte Mason's high literary standards. Ambleside Online uses the highest quality books and costs no more than the cost of texts. The curriculum uses as many free online books as possible, and there is no cost to use this information or join the support group.
- Homeschool Classifieds - We are one of the largest sites on the web for buying and selling new and used homeschool materials, and for finding and announcing homeschool groups, activities, and events. We invite you to explore the listings that thousands of other homeschoolers have entered, sorted into various categories. We also encourage you to add your own page -- listing items for sale, items wanted, homeschool advice, and related groups and events in your area.
- Homeschool Buyer's Co-Op - The Homeschool Buyers Co-op is the nation's largest purchasing cooperative for homeschooling families.